Mountain projects in the Alps

Mountain projects in the Alps

Thank you for surfing mountaineering website

Now, as autumn approaches, I’m starting a mountain climbing and mountain running business and moving forward several mountain projects at the same time. During the week, I have sent messages to Nepal, the Alps and Montana, as well as Sodankylä. At some point, something will happen. The guidelines are very clear, but during the fall I will decide in which order I will take things forward.

Returning to the Alps and starting paragliding will be postponed a bit, because resources need to be put into setting up an online store. Friends are already calling and asking there because you are coming. As I set up a business in the Alps, it means that my footprints will mainly be there in the future. Then there’s time to go paragliding and ice climbing in Italy.

The current purpose of the mountain climbing website is to offer unforgettable mountain adventures in the Alps and a little bit elsewhere. I write new articles every week and develop the online store.

If you want to be part of this story, come with your friend to ski training in Finnish Lapland or mountain running in the Alps.

Happy August,





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