Tour du Mont Blanc 2024

TMB is the most famous classic of mountain running. More photos are on my Instagram page –> High Lights –> UTMB.

The world’s most popular Trail Running

Tour du Mont Blanc on yksi maailman kymmenestä hienoimmasta vuoristojuoksureitistä. Erityisesti Italian puoli on todella upea ja Chamonixin ympäristön vuoristopolut ovat ainutlaatuinen kokemus. Juoksin kyseisen reitin vuonna 2019 ja voin suositella upeaa klassikkoreittiä.

Tour du Mont Blanc vuoristojuoksu (TMB) etenee 1000 – 2700 metrin korkeudessa olevia vuoristopolkuja. Reitti kulkee Mont Blancin vuoristomassiivin ympäri Ranskasta Italian ja Sveitsin kautta takaisin Ranskaan. Kuulostaahan se ihmeelliseltä jo sanoakin, että juoksin valtiosta toiseen, sitten kolmanteen ja palasin neljänteen. Jos huolto pelaa ja vauhti on sopiva, niin se on mahdollista kestävyysjuoksua harrastavalle. TMB-reitillä nousuja on 11 vertikaalikilometriä ylös ja saman verran juostaan alas.

Vuoristojuoksu on parhaimmillaan kevyellä 2 – 3 kg:n juoksurepulla, joka mahdollistaa alamäkien juoksun, mutta edellyttää huoltoautoa ja etukäteen varattuja majoituksia. Aamiaiset ja kolmen ruokalajin päivälliset syömme vuoristomajoissa.

Chamonix – the capital of mountain running

Chamonix is the capital of mountain climbing and mountain running, from where we start. If it’s your first time in the Alps, you should come to Chamonix a few days earlier.


The route is usually turned counterclockwise, so that in the first third of the route you will encounter an animal park, waterfalls and French mountain villages.

40 mountain huts

There are more than 40 mountain huts along the TMB route, on average every 5 kilometers. If bad weather surprises you, shelter is nearby, although kilometers are long in the Alps.

Rugged mountain landscapes and flower meadows

After the warm-up in France and the crossing of three mountains, we reach the Italian side. Sometimes we cross a few snowfields and admire the sunrises. 70 kilometers in Italy is my personal favorite, along with Champex in Switzerland. Downhill runs in the middle of towering mountains and flower meadows are postcard scenery.

Friendly Italians

Italians are really friendly, hospitable and make the best food in the world. It always happens in Italy. If you fall asleep during a Trail Running mountain run, you might wake up next to the bride in the middle of the wedding ceremony. This has happened to someone once. Fortunately, the right groom was found somewhere, and I was able to continue the journey.

Courmayer – mid

If half a tour is enough, you can take the bus through the mountain through the tunnel from Courmayer back to Chamonix. You can also join from Courmayer to Chamonix.

Fairytale landscapes of Bambi and Asterix

After Courmayer, the fairytale landscapes of Bambie and Asterix continue and there are two options to choose from on the route. We decide together which route the running adventure on the mountain trails will continue.

15 km downhill from Italy to Switzerland

The last kilometers in Italy run close to the Grandes Jorasses mountain range next to the river. After Italy, a 15 km downhill starts on the Swiss side. However, the landscapes are so wonderful that it is worth stopping to take photos from time to time.

Romantic Swiss Champex

Besides the Italian mountain trails, my personal favorite is Chapex, an idyllic mountain village on the shore of a mountain lake at an altitude of 1,500 meters, surrounded by fine hotels.

Fortunately, I didn’t take a rucksack and a tent

Finally, at this point, thank you for not taking a heavy bike to drag up the mountain slopes. In Switzerland, kilometers are 20 kilometers long. TMB is the most enjoyable to run, specifically to run, with light equipment, on day trips of suitable length. TMB can be run smartly, but the choice must be made before leaving at home.

Running flow

Sometimes it can happen that the speed increases as the journey progresses. With a long running hike, you get used to running, and as the weight gets lighter after heavy stages, you may also enter a flow state. This has happened 2-3 times on my own trips. You can also run up hills, but I can’t guarantee the flow.

From France to Italy and back to France via Switzerland

At the finish line of the TMB route, one can understand how far one has run, from state to second, to third, and even back to fourth, climbing over 11 mountains in wonderful Alpine landscapes through valleys. If you don’t understand that, then it’s time to move on to celebrating mountain running. If you ever open a bottle of champagne, this is a good time.

Tour du Mont Blanc, 7 days

A 7 day Trail Running around Mont Blanc. A Good Challenge for Running Athletes, 170 km/11 vkm, from France to Italy, to Switzerland and back to France. Highest point 2700 m, Difficult, Best time from June to September

We run as much as possible.

Inc. 6x dinner, mountain hut, breakfast

22 – 26 JULY 2024

€1000 EUR