Welcome to mountaineering website


Welcome to surf on the website and dive into mountains and mountaineering world. You can learn what is mountaineering and follow Himalaya and the North Faces of the Alps mountain projects.

New things are coming in 2024

I am leaving to the Alps and I start paragliding and mountain filming in next Summer. You have to take the first step before the next steps. Flying above of Alpine village is super awesome, and I will do it. One of my goals is to climb up to 4000 meter summit with my friend, and fly and glide back to Alpine village in the evening sunset, and step to a restaurant, 12 hours after leaving from Alpine village.

In September, the Mountain Adventure in the Rocky Mountains are calling. Trail Running and beautiful national parks of the U.S.A. is the theme of September. I will climb on red rock in Arizona, if possible.

In October – November I am developing Mountaineering Webshop with my friend. If you like quality, you should check what kind of mountain gears I use in the mountains. I offer mountain gears and stylish mountain clothes for climbers and runners in four different categories.

Mountaineering Magazine is waiting a good writer. I have concept what I am doing, and if you feel you want to join to the team, take a contact. I own mountaineeringmagazine.com domain, I have the website platform, technical support, and I would like to describe about The Future Style of Mountaineering, with interesting interviews of professional alpinists, stories from Himalayas, Norway and South America.

In December it’s time to pick two sharp ice axes, choose crampons, and drive to the North Italy. There is one of the best ice climbing areas in the world in Cogne. In the classic North Faces of Alps, the last 300 – 400 meters of the big wall is ice. After 800 meter rock climbing, I have to stay strong and continue with good ice climbing technique to summit, with my mate.

In the summer 2024 you are welcome to Trail Running in the Alps. Just now you can click into the Webshop and read about coming Trail Running in the Alps. With me you are safe in the mountains and I would like to give a good mountain experience for you. My dream is to collect sporty men and women to running TMB and Chamonix – Zermatt – Chamonix in the next summer.

The last year was difficult and challenging for me after the first Himalaya Expedition without supplementary oxygen.

I am coming back.

Surf on the website,


Mount Everest, the highest mountain in the world from south.


Come to Skiing in Finland

Whatsapp +358 45 136 2007 / Jussi